Mrs. Jenkins' daughter arrived back at Camp Lejeune, N.C. after seven and a half months in Afghanistan. Jaclyn surprised some students who were eating in the classroom with a visit!
The finished product - read and enjoyed the books, discussed and compared the books, wrote about to compare the books. Now we are looking for a new author to study.
Just when we were thinking things couldn't get much crazier, we remembered Friday was Crazy Hair Spirit Day!!! We had hair dye, wigs, pony tails and even a beard!
My name is Mrs. Jenkins. I moved to Florida in 1994 with my two daughters, Jessica and Jaclyn. This is my 30th year in teaching. During my teaching career I have taught in several different schools in grades 1, 3, 4 and 5. This is my thirteenth year at Beauclerc. For the remainder of the year I am team teaching with Mrs. Wilson. I teach Language Arts and Social Studies. I hope to see you in room 130 sometime soon!