Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dear Students,

I know you are enjoying Frindle by Andrew Clements that I am reading to you in class. Aren't you interested to find out if the main character, Nick will recieve any money from the sale of all of the items that say "frindle" on them? And aren't you asking yourself if his teacher, Mrs. Granger will stop being upset with Nick? Hopefully we will find out this week.
Andrew Clements has written more than 50 books for children and many of those books are excellent pieces of realistic fiction. Remember I told you I was reading Things Not Seen? Well I just finished it! It was really terrific; I could not put it down. It is the first Clements book I read that combined fantasy and realism. I really like it and recommend it for independent reading or a great book to read at home with a parent.
Keep reading fourth graders. See you Monday, Mrs. Jenkins

Happy Birthday, Nicole

Happy Birthday, Nicole. Thank you for bringing cupcakes to share with your new classmates and teachers. We love you already!!!

Friday means lunch in the classroom

Mrs. Jenkins has the cutest, sweetest children in her class.

Fantastic First Week in Fourth Grade!

Fourth grade students in Mrs. Jenkins' class write stories from their list of Best and Worst times.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mrs. Jenkins' Summer Fun

Drove to Camp Le Jeune, North Carolina three times.
Beach on Anastasia Island, St. Augustine
Deer in friend's yard in Emerald Isle, North Carolina
Thimble Islands, Long Island Sound
Boston, Mass.
Boston's North End