Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Florida Theater

Fourth graders went to the Florida Theater on Tuesday to see the play, The Hundred Dresses.  Some were a little sleepy on the bus ride back even though we only traveled 10 miles.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fourth Grade Authors

Students in Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Jenkins' class have recently finished writing reports.  They read about  their topics, took notes on index cards, organized their information in an outline, wrote a rough draft and after editing, published their reports.  This week these fabulous authors are creating Keynote presentations on their laptops and sharing their awesome reports with the class.  We've got the recipe for report writing!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fourth Grade PLAY DAY

It was a steam bath on the Beauclerc playground today - but Play Day was a huge success! Fourth graders had lots of fun with some very creative relay races. Thanks Coach!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Jenkins are feeling appreciated by their fourth graders and their awesome parents this week.  Monday they made a cute poster for the door and sent in sweet treats.  Tuesday was enormous bouquets of the most beautiful flowers.  Three more days to go!!!